

Featured Project: Regional Arts Commission Grant Page Updates


The Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis (RAC) is the biggest public funder of the arts in St. Louis, offering over 7,000 grants since their inception. With a passion for bringing positive change, RAC hopes to continue to provide these grants to make St. Louis’s world-class arts and culture community more accessible, equitable, and transparent.

RAC expressed that their landing pages to apply for grants needed a refresh. With a close working relationship already in place, it was easy for the TPI team to understand their vision for the grant page updates, which aimed to be modern, minimalistic, and user-friendly.

About RAC

RAC is an arts organization in St. Louis, Missouri that supports all art lovers – from artists to those who simply just appreciate the arts. The organization’s goal is to use the power of creativity to help the community become stronger.

RAC offers plenty of resources and opportunities to artists so they can continue doing what they love. Organizations so they can become leaders in equity, arts education, and creative practices. And art lovers so they can participate in various performances, installations, exhibitions, and festivals. They encourage people to explore different ways to bring art into their lives.

Artist Support Grant

This grant is meant for artists in various creative fields, like painting, music, or writing. It provides financial support to help artists finish their projects or to help them get other creative opportunities.

Program Support Grant

This grant funds arts and culture groups or non-profit organizations to produce and present artistic activities. These projects aim to expand the audience and community participation and increase access to the arts for visitors and residents throughout the St. Louis region.

  RAC website before redesign

Before the Redesign

“Before the refresh, the information provided on the page was somewhat hard to navigate, resulting in less time being spent on the page by the user,” said Adam Koller, front end developer at TPI.

The goal was to create grant pages that would provide all the necessary information clearly and concisely, and give a better user experience. With this in mind, TPI created a new design to meet the client’s needs and exceed their expectations.


The Process

One of the most notable changes made during the redesign was adding a testimonials section on the grants landing page. This section allows visitors to read about the positive experiences that artists have had with RAC’s grant program. The slider displaying these testimonials was entirely custom-coded for the new site, making it unique to RAC’s website.

Creating this slider was a challenging but rewarding experience for TPI as it helped bring RAC’s new vision to life. In addition, by showcasing the impact of RAC’s grant program through the testimonials of successful artists, the new design has made the grants page more engaging and informative for visitors.


The Final Result of the Grant Page Updates

The new grant page updates are now live and easily accessible to users, providing all the necessary information in a visually appealing layout. In addition, TPI took on redesigning the pages to improve usability and overall aesthetics; the results speak for themselves.

“Grantmaking is the heart of what we do at the Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis. Having a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate website is instrumental to the grants process,” said Jay Schreder, Communications Senior Manager at RAC. “With help from TPI, we were able to create a totally new experience for those interested in applying for and learning about our grants. The TPI team was responsive, flexible and knowledgeable – creating a smooth transition from the old design to the new design.”

The redesign’s primary feature was adding a testimonials section that showcases the positive impact of RAC’s grant program and encourages potential applicants. TPI is proud to have played a role in helping RAC continue to promote creativity and support the arts in St. Louis. We look forward to seeing the positive outcomes of this updated and user-friendly grant application process.

Categories:Web Design

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