Baby on board! We recently launched a mobile app for one of our clients, BenefitBump, that allows employees at various stages of their pregnancy or adoption journey to receive information about employment-related benefits. BenefitBump helps people navigate through what can be a confusing time and helps them get clarity on their options—all through the convenient interface of a mobile app.

The Client
BenefitBump’s goal is to simplify benefits and time off programs, deliver personalized guidance, and enhance the emotional wellbeing of employees and their families.
The Challenge
BenefitBump was an infant itself when we started this project with them! Founder Scott Liebman had a vision of simplifying maternity benefits information for expecting families and knew that an app was the best way to achieve that goal. That’s where we came in: We needed to first build a prototype of the app for Scott to present to potential clients to get initial buy-in and feedback. From there, we would improve on that prototype and build the actual mobile app.
The Project
We kicked off the project with UX discovery and requirements gathering. At this early stage, we were basing most decisions off what Scott believed would work best, which he was basing on his experience working with HR departments. We then built a functional, clickable prototype that Scott demoed to representatives at several companies. Once they had seen it, he was able to get concrete feedback on what the live app should do.
And so came the big task: building the full app.
The app needed to be available for Apple and Android and work well regardless of device. We integrated it with a scheduling tool as well as a back office for BenefitBump’s support team, which enables the app to complement the personal support BenefitBump provides to their participants. We also built the app in a manner that allows significant flexibility in customizing content for each of BenefitBump’s employer clients, which is important since employers’ benefits may vary.
The app has several other nifty features, like a to-do checklist, pregnancy and adoption articles, and benefits-related forms to complete.
The Result
A helpful app that several large companies have already adopted for use among their employees. We were able to help Scott turn his idea into a business, while helping expecting families navigate their pregnancy/adoption journey. Visit